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Curating Treasures

Items I found in my grandmother's basement. TOTEMs, were described by Ray Eames as an acronym for The Objects That Evoke Meaning. Whether or not you refer to them as treasures or TOTEMS, they are items that remind you of someone or someplace special, or items that simply make you feel good when you see them.  I was fortunate to visit an Eames Exhibit in Singapore several years ago.  It is where I learned about TOTEMS, and where I viewed some of the items, TOTEMS, Charles and Ray Eames collected and displayed in their studio.  This TOTEM idea made total sense to me.  I have referred to mine as "Treasures," and I have been collecting them since childhood.  Most of them are insignificant.  They have no significant value except in my heart. TOTEMS from Charles and Ray Eames' Studio I like to display my treasures.  Seeing them everyday inspires me.  Having them on view also helps me keep my treasures to a minimum.  Chaos and clut...

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